
Showing posts from February, 2018

I'll Always Love You Forever by Taylor Dane

This video was from October 2017... it's our wedding song and here we are 29 years later.  He stole my heart and still has it!

Anne Deserved a Cookbook of Her Own I made this book of Anne Howe's recipe which I dedicate to her beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren,

RIP Anne Howe.... till we meet in Heaven

Don's mom passed away February 6, 2018. This is us celebrating New Year's Eve with her as we have done for the past 30 years. Although she lived to 95, we never thought the good times would suddenly come to an end. May we carry on her legacy of celebrating family and life!

in the beginning....then and now

1988 2017 It's hard to believe we will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary this year! We have much to be thankful for, so many happy memories shared. Our life has had it's ups and downs but, we have been blessed through it all. Life is not supposed to be perfect. We look for the positive daily.